I am completely knackered from that Oasis gig - when I got in last night at around about 4am, I stank of booze and weed, and I wasn't drinking or smoking. Beer was flying every five seconds - literally - and everyone was fucking mental... although, this was Manchester.
Ah, the gig was brilliant, though. Most people I had talked to about this gig were annoyed as they thought they'd be playing nothing but their new stuff from Dig Out Your Soul. Fucking wrong - they played all the classics and only two songs from Dig Out Your Soul (Falling Down and The Shock Of Lightning). They opened up with The Shock Of Lightning and finished off with Champagne Supernova.
Supporting groups were great too, and everyone was just as hyped up for them too. The Enemy did a brilliant performance; Kasabian got everyone going, Free Peace was hated just because they're scouse (trust me, though: they're worth listening. it's like psychedelic soul rock. Think Led Zeppelin but from Liverpool), and Twister Wheel - if I'm honest - were not great, but they still got the Mancs going.
One of the rowdiest audiences I have ever been a part of, which is pretty shite, really, as they cared more about throwing beers, shoes, jackets and fighting than actually listening to the music and watching the show. Just after Oasis started playing, I got out of there as I just couldn't bother with the pushing and shoving anymore. That was the only real downfall to that day - rest of the gig was fucking brilliant.
I gained a bit more respect for the Gallaghers that day, too. Good gig was good, etc. etc. Oh, we also saw Paul Weller in the audience too (seriously). People kept shouting "FUCK, IT'S PAUL WELLER" and I was right next to him. What do I do? I don't shake his hand, but I just take a photo and act like some crazed fan. Yay. :]
Anyways, pics coming soon - can't get them onto the computer until tomorrow, so just wait pls thnx omg.
TL;DR? I did a poo on your mum.
Edit: It's Paul Weller. More photos here.
Oasis are class, but you stood next to the motherfucking MODFATHER? You better post pics you penis!
I did, and it was an amazing sensation. I think I pooed myself because of it.
I'll post pics when I get the camera and its USB port - I think I'm getting them back today, but we'll see. :)